Yoga, in the Lake District

The amazing weather stayed with us here in the Lake District for this weekends Yoga retreat with
I first met Michelle (founder of Adventure Yogi) whilst she was researching and developing her Lake District retreat weekends about a year ago. We enjoyed a fine walk together over Coniston Old Man.

We were delighted when Michelle got in touch again to ask us to arrange a guided walk for their first Lake District retreat this month.
Much thought was put into the route, and Lingmoor was the mountain at the top of the list. This walk is on good paths, gives brilliant views of the Langdale Pikes, and enjoys easy walking through the Langdale valley on the return leg. It's a good route even when the weather isn't perfect as the summit is not too high at only 470 metres. We did have perfect weather though, yippee!!

This retreat, based at Yewfield, her Tarn Hows, was pretty much a full house. For anyone thinking of joining either of the Lake District dates for 2016 an early booking is recommended as these are likely to get snapped up quick.

On the Sunday, guests could choose to go horse riding, for a local walk, or simply relax at Yewfield. This of course is in addition to 2 classes of yoga each day.

Thanks to Michelle, Wenche, all the participants, and Si for helping out.


