New climbs on the sea cliffs – Costa Blanca


Miguel enjoying big exposure at Morro Falqui

Just last week it came to my attention that a new route had been put up on the magnificent Morro Falqui sea cliffs. So far all my experiences of sea cliffs in this area have been excellent. Raco de Corv gives steep, sustained climbing from the beach. Magical Mystery Tour area gives an unforgettable adventure into wild terrain. And Pirates of the Caribbean takes in terrain that really should be much harder, but thankfully isn't.

So all the above are outstanding venues and will provide the climber with a memorable day out, no doubt about that. Morro Falqui, for me, gives just a little bit more. The journey to a deserted beach, the far reaching views along the coastline, the incredibly sharp rock that will rip your skin. Even the method of bolting routes here seems just right, a truly professional job that feels safe yet adventurous, perfect.

'95 Ole' gives 3 pitches of brilliant and varied climbing at a max grade of about 6a / 6a+ before it joins up with Sonjannika at the huge belay ledge before the crux pitch of Sonjannika. To give more details of the route at this stage may spoil the adventure for some, so I'll leave it there. For anyone reading this and wanting more information, get in touch and we'll happily share what we know.

Thanks to Kate, Mila, and Miguel for sharing the adventure. You beautiful people 🙂



Kate cruising up pitch 2


The final pitch of Sonjannika


Miguel finishes up 'Moorhun Winter Edition' at 6a


Kate at the top of Morro Falqui cliff - all feeling satisfied and sun kissed after a big climb

