After a very long day out in the mountains yesterday, we were both feeling pretty tired this morning. However, the sun was shining and there was a promise of dry rock, so we decided to snatch a quick climb in at White Ghyll, Langdale.
The route - 'Gordian Not' had been on my mind for a few weeks now and it was really nice to get onto it. The moves are quite thought provoking as soon as you set off and a good range of climbing styles are offered. The second pitch in particular provided much entertainment, with very steep moves through the roofs, thankfully good protection soon followed as did the big hand-holds.
It's not often that me & Kate manage to climb together these days, so this was a real treat.
Rain started to fall as we walked down from the crag, good timing.
Above: showing climbers on Gordian Not, with the leader tackling the steep section on pitch 2. The climber visible above is on the traverse pitch of Haste Not.
Below: Kate coming up pitch 2