Lakeland rock climbing extravaganza!

Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of this week have been full-on rock climbing days with a real mix of routes.

Stats = 566 metres of climbing and 26 pitches!

Monday & Wednesday I was out with Alexsi from Finland and this was whilst working for our friends at Highpoint Mountain Guides.
A full day at Raven crag in Langdale saw us bag: Centipede (Severe); Revelation (Hard Severe); Evening Wall (Severe); and Bilberry Buttress (Very Severe). The sun blazed down all day and Langdale was certainly looking it's very best. Despite the fine weather, the crag was pretty quiet all day.

On Tuesday I was out with long time rock climber and Alpinist Jane. She had Bowfell Buttress in her sights and had certainly picked a perfect day for it. More blazing sunshine, just what's needed for a high mountain crag. The walk in felt pretty tough due to the heat, but once on the route all was absolutely perfect, even a light breeze from time to time to help keep us cool.
Bowfell Buttress is a 5 pitch Hard Severe and a 'Classic Rock' route with all that that entails. Was lovely and refreshing to cool down in 'The Great Spout' afterwards.

Wednesday I was back out with Alexsi, this time we headed to Wallowbarrow crag in the Duddon valley. Today the weather was overcast and cooler, pretty much perfect for climbing.
We enjoyed 4 multi-pitch routes and only shared the whole crag with one other climbing team.
Our routes today were: Digitation (Very Severe); Thomas (Severe); Malediction Direct (Very Severe); and Bryanston (Mild Very Severe). All really good routes providing good climbing and positions throughout. The Duddon valley rarely fails to impress and today it was on its best behaviour and looking gorgeous.

Thanks to Jane, Alexsi and Joe for these great days out.


