Barranco del Llosar, Sierra de Bernia

Having time quite a bit of time and bush whacking to find, i'm really pleased we have finally completed a descent of the Barranco del Llosar. It has been well worth the effort.

Approach: Take the CV-755 through Altea la Vella and continue until the turning for Sierra de Bernia recreation area (signposted), turn right here onto a narrow lane and follow this for about 2km to a small lay-by shortly after a track on the right (the return route).
From here, continue on foot up the tarmac road for about 2km (or 30 mins) and look out for a dirt track on the right, take this as it gently descends and soon reaches a ruin below a small outcrop of rock. A cairn marks the route downhill on a minor path, this soon deteriorates  (wear long trousers) but do persevere and you will soon reach a shallow barranco, follow a vague track along this to reach the first short abseil from a Pine tree.

Descent: There are around 12 abseils in total, although some of these are short and over easy ground, so you may consider down-climbing some. The longest abseil is 30m, and all are from either bolts (some twin bolts, some single) or chains fixed around large Pine trees.
There is a lot of scrambling during the descent, some is pretty tricky too, and plenty of vegetation to work through. Well worth wearing long trousers and long sleeves and making a noise to alert whatever animals are living there that you're there too!
Even after a prolonged dry spell there will likely be water in some of the pools, but this should be avoidable with care. Just remember to look where you're throwing abseil ropes so they don't end up soaked!

The way out: After passing a huge boulder, bear to the right, keeping right of more large boulders. Scramble up onto a feint path marked by a cairn and follow this to a good, wide track. Follow this easily back to the road. 

Time (car to car): Allow around 3 hours 45 minutes
45 min approach
2h 45 min descent
15 mins return walk

Equipment: The abseil stations are all bolted (Jan 2016). Harness; helmet; 60m rope; abseil device; prussik. We use 2 x 40m ropes which was more than adequate.

Dangers: Helmet advised due to rock fall potential. Also, check the weather history as flooded pools would prove difficult to exit!

